Online booking

Take secure bookings online with credit card payments.

Accept credit cards
Guests pay by credit or debit card. Upfront payment for bookings.
Free to list
Advertising your properties is free. No listing or annual fees.
Fair commission
Just 5% commission per booking (ex VAT). Upfront and transparent pricing.
Safe and secure
Trusted payment processing. Proven protection against fraud.
Get Paid Direct
Your rent is transferred directly into your bank account.

TravelDuck makes taking online bookings simple, safe and secure.

Accept payment by credit card giving your guests better service and more protection.

Advertising your properties is free. The only charge is 5% (ex VAT) when we handle an online booking. Your rent is then transferred directly into your bank account.

Booking Calculator

Honest, upfront pricing. Calculate exactly what you can expect.

Booking Calculator

Enter a rental price to work out what you'll be paid for a booking.

Rental price
You will get
Guest will pay

Speak maths? Explain calculations

Working out what you can expect to be paid with TravelDuck is a breeze!

Simply enter the rental price you want to charge for a booking.

Our booking calculator shows you exactly how much you can expect to earn and what your guests can expect to pay.

Includes credit card fees
No surprise fees for your guests.
No transfer fees
What you see is what you get.

Widgets for your website

Add online booking, availability calendars and more to your website.

TravelDuck Widgets.js

Got a website? Add online booking and availability calendars to your pages.

Increase your direct bookings. Display live property availability and pricing.

Easy to install

Simply copy a snippet of code into your website and your done! Widgets.js is auto updated meaning you always get the latest version. No coding required.

Learn more

Get the WordPress Plugin